Take a deep breath and center yourself. Remember, everything that is important is right here at this moment! In this fleeting, precious present, you have all that truly matters. The past is a memory and the future is an illusion; only now is real. We often get caught up in the desire to control our lives, to predict and manage every outcome. Yet, the reality is, we don’t have control over most of what happens to us or any outcome in our lives. The Covid-19 pandemic was a stark reminder of this truth. It showed us how fragile our sense of control is, how quickly our plans can be upended by forces beyond our grasp.
The only control we truly have is over our reactions to what happens to us and to the outcomes that arise. How we choose to respond is within our power. If we constantly strive to control, it’s a sign to the universe, or the divine, that we lack trust in the natural flow of life. It’s a signal that we are not at peace with the unpredictability of existence.
To make it easier for us to relinquish our compulsive need to control, we must shift our language and mindset. Instead of using the word “expect,” which implies a desire to control and a rigidity in thinking, we can use the word “imagine.” “Expect” binds us to specific outcomes and can lead to disappointment when things don’t go as planned.
“Imagine,” on the other hand, opens up a space for life to flow naturally, allowing for possibilities beyond our immediate understanding or desire. It invites a sense of curiosity and wonder, making room for unexpected blessings and opportunities.
When we imagine rather than expect, life can then happen for us, not to us. This subtle shift in perspective can transform our experience, making us more receptive to the beauty and serendipity that life has to offer. But how can life happen for you? The key lies in using your senses to anchor yourself in the present moment. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures around you. Let them draw you back into the now, where you can fully experience and appreciate each moment as it unfolds.
In this state of mindful presence, we find freedom from the compulsion to control. We become more attuned to the rhythm of life, more open to its gifts, and more resilient in the face of its challenges. So, pause for a moment, breathe deeply, and embrace the now. Trust in the flow of life, and let go of the need to control. Imagine, rather than expect, and allow life to happen for you in ways you might never have dreamed possible.